Modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller
Modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller

modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller

Weapon accuracy also decreases noticeably while moving or sprinting compared to stationary firing when firing an automatic weapon, accuracy typically decreases the longer the weapon is fired continuously, so it is generally better to fire in shorter bursts when engaging targets at a range to ensure maximum accuracy and recoil control.Ī weapon's accuracy is indicated by the size of the game's on-screen cross hair (a smaller cross hair size equates to a straighter bullet path when firing, meaning bullets are less likely to miss their target). Crouching while firing also offers a slight boost in weapon accuracy (most significantly for sniper rifles).

modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller

Basic weapon controls allow the player to fire their weapon, reload their weapon, as well as aim down the sight.Īiming down the sight offers better weapon accuracy and lower recoil than while 'hip firing', though the player moves slower while aiming.

Modern combat 5: blackout xbox one controller